Video 420 Debra D'andrea

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295 NW Commons Loop Suite 115-377
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: (239) 498-3684 Fax: 386 963-2808

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Debra is more intense, destructive, viscous, and ruthless then ever before!!!!!

Debra is to much for one man, so Mass Muscle Ed decided to pit two men against this human wrecking machine. Debra is at her destructive, intense, brutal best! She beats these men without any mercy with unreal, scary, sadistic head scissoring leaving both men semi-unconscious and in many cases unable to continue with the video. Absolutely no mercy in this exciting video. Great, scissors, sexy grapevines smother holds, head locks, lifts and throws, Debra is at her absolute best and is real exciting to watch, Debra is fiery, aggressive, destructive,and just to much for words!!.This video is 33 minutes long of non-stop brutality, for $50.00 and as usual by this video and receive one free from videos 101-380, On Line Catalog

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