Amber Castello 473
Writer's Block

295 NW Commons Loop Ste 115-377
Lake City, FL 32055
Phone: (239) 498-3684 Fax: 386 963-2808

Massive legs of Amber Castello


Writer's Block video 473

Amber Castillo 5'5" 25" striated quads and 18" calves the newest mass muscle girl is here to show you how she loves to wrestle.

Her legs muscles are amazing on the same lines as Yvonne McCoy and Karla nelson legs and gluts, and, she knows how to use them.

There is an argument over a script that amber wrote with her co-writer and it leads to a vicious fight.

Lots of fantastic scissoring, combo holds, head-locks, grapevines all showing ambers unreal legs.

Trust me here when I tell you this woman has amazing leg development!!

As always order this 31 minute's video for $50 and choose one video free from 101-437. On Line Catalog

video 473 picture gallery

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Visa or MasterCard:
Order line (239) 498-3684               Make check or money order payable to:
Fax: 386 963-2808                      Mass Muscle
                                        295 NW Commons Loop Ste.115-377
                                        Lake City, FL 32055    

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